Why I can't do Movember (nor Armpits for August)

"I am woman, hear me roar"

...but there are some things you just gotta hand to the guys, ladies, yes. 

I am a big believer in figuring out the greasy stuff for myself, but reality bites in a big way when biology goes, you know...just let him take care of it.

I'm not saying it's always a top decision. 

I'm just saying, you know, sometimes you gotta let it go...

For example, mowing the lawns. When I moved into my house in January this year, Darling Dad insisted on bringing the farm-sized industrial mower to deal with the suburban wildlife.

He proceeded to cut the lawn shorter than his own hair. (He not got much hair...)

My healthy if wild, jungle backyard was manicured to such a state that I would not need to mow for a season, if indeed it ever grew back again!!!

But it was done with love and dedication and determination to

Save Time & Money.

Is this not the MANTRA according to which a dude lives??? (pun intended...MAN'tra)

My BiggerThanBenHur little brother gifted me a lawnmower.
I really love it.
I love it so much.
I don't want it to get ruined.
So I kept it in the box.

The former Mr CaptainandNinja, once upon a time, deigned to hang a chandelier on his ownsome.
He did not have any certification, justification, accreditation nor adoration for such a task.
And indeed, the results were not quite what the new wife would joyfully decree "Oh Mr Wonderful!"...

"No. Just no."
"But I just saved us $140!"
"No. Really. Just no."

I may have made a call to Sparkies R Us a few days later, that cost a little more.
I can neither confirm nor deny...

So Movember is upon us and I'm delightedly getting lots of reminders.

Reminders that make a girl hyper-aware of the light frothing of blondies on a glossy-rose upper lip.

I popped into the nail salon last week (where they do EVERYTHING) for a bit of an eyebrow waxie-poo and I heard "upper li-iiippp?"

"I'm sorry?" 

"Your lip, too much hair."

"Really? Right. Ok. Of course, yes, zip it off then."

Waaaah! OU---CHH.


Worse than any other area. Truly.


So fellas, you go on and grow your Mo this Movember.
I'll be taking a selfie with every single one of you, no moes for me, but donating left, right and centre ('cause that's how we hot roll when we wax!!!) So let me know when you're fur-ready and picture purrrrrfect.

I am right behind you, but the pursuit of hirsute is not ladylike...
I just can't, just can't grow the mo myself...this one gents;...this one's for the boys!


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