The Line Up

Hey all! 
Eight months of profound silence from the Captain and the Ninja has ended, 
just like Winter in Narnia...

Unfortunately Winter in Sydney is in full-swing, so naturally I've selected this delightful season as the season of self-improvement. Getting my mojo back!
Oh yes. She's such a clever girl; freezing fool.

I was having a little go on my crystal ball, watching the murkiness and confusion entwine. It's always a bit like that in my crystal ball these days. Slowly, the mist unfurled and I could clearly see a Profound Message.

The message simply stated the "F" word.


Ker-rist!!! One is supposed be "forty and fabulous" and "forty and fun" and "fit and forty." Get thee to a gym, quick quick quick.
 So, I bolted (er, gently stepped into car and drove, with heater on high setting) down to the local fit-farm and signed up. Like seriously, there is some dumbass unspoken rule that a woman has to be all A-MAZING for this significant milestone.   

It was easier turning 30. All I had to do was plan the party. Somehow, in the last 10 years I've collected all this extra work, two perfect children, a divorce, an additional backside and a cat. 
Ye gods... 

So we're all huffy-puffy now. I am Getting Fit. 

Someone I was trying very hard to impress told me that men think women who exercise are 
Really Sexy.

And when I spewedmaguts in the bushes after a particularly gruelling jog across the road, well, let me tell you, they were LINING UP to see me being so awfully sexy.   

All I need now is an electric blue leotard and a Jazzercise tape. 




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