When your kids are smarter than you...

I'm having an absolute cracker of a day. 

It's grey and drizzling. It's a Saturday (No work. No school. No traffic...Ok, I lie, Saturday traffic in Sydney is worse than weekdays but on a Saturday I don't have to drive in it. Yay!)

After a productive hour or so at the gym where I could literally feel myself morphing into the lean bikini model that is my true destiny, I decided that TODAY WAS THE DAY to figure out how to do stuff on the computer.

Like, I have 12000 photos on my phone and maybe I should back them up someplace?

I also wanted to change my profile picture from the holiday-reading bookworm with specs to the morphing bikini model.

I should also figure out to do an excel spreadheety thing soon, as they're very "in" and would make me appear quite organised in the workplace.

I also needed to remove a creative writing page from my Facebook account because a person very close to my heart (not very) gently suggested that the content wasn't really as hilarious as I thought it was. Farewell "Running Ham"...

All these things! Technologically advanced things! 

I have no idea how to do these things.

I consider myself reasonably well-connected to modern things like wireless mice 
(?? mouses??), intergoogles and phone-banking, yet today I begrudgingly found that I had to ask the Ninja how to get technical.

In several deft swipes and clicks she'd selected, edited and uploaded an appropriate profile pic (not the bikini model one as she said that was, "definitely not ok, mum..."), connected the phone to the intergoogles and organised all 12000 pics into nice folders on my laptop.

Holy Moly. I created a monster. A know-it-all, eye-rolling, agile tech-ninja.

How cool to have in-house IT services!! AND she responds within a nano-second, unlike my usual soulless helpdesk, because her success is largely connected to a nice selection of snacks from the kitchen (where I still get to be chief cook and bottle washer).

With joy and motivation I set self up to revive my 2014 blog (ta-dahhh!!) and soon discovered that the Captain had written a story for his English Lit. homework in the space of a few hours this morning. He'd emailed me a link to check it out.

It was the stuff of mystery and thrillers, kooky characters and spooky happenings.
It was the stuff I dream of writing one day.

There it was, straight from the mouldering quagmire of a teenager's bedroom to my inbox.
Holy Moly. Another monster! A thrill-seeking, eye-rolling, monosyllabic, fast-typing scary story-writing teen.

Thank God neither the Captain nor the Ninja can reach the pedals in the car...yet.
I still get the front seat and all music-selection rights...for now.




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