Crazy Train

'Twas a magnificent start to the morning!!! Truly. 

There's nothing more delightful that a tiny tuna-breathed creature combing your hair with its tiny claws and bunting your well-defined European nose (thanks Dad!) with lurve and Whiskas drippings.

I kinda HAD to get up despite planning a long, uninterrupted sleep-in due to it being a "childfree" weekend. There are very few advantages to divorce, but the childfree weekend has its merits; serenity being number 1.

Once Jimmy Chew, the cat, got fed with more stinky fodder, I set my mind to considering a CHECKLIST for the day.

This is a very exciting proposition for a Virgo. 

The checklist plans your day, duty by duty, task by task and with each TICK in the box, you have something you can be proud of; a tiny little achievement. 

It's such a fabbo idea, an actual book has been written on it. How good is that? It's really, really good, so good in fact you may find yourself emailing paragraphs to your friends, nodding in mutual wisdom.

So today's crazy train started with the usual weekend goal of achieving Supermodel status by lunchtime - go to gym.
FAIL. But did go for VERY LONG walk on beach listening to Icehouse (hey, once a child of the Eighties, forever a child of big hair and electric guitars.)

Clean house.
FAIL. But did purchase new lavender scented kitty-litter, sooooo.... hygienic if not polished.

4 loads of laundry.
Still going. Boring. Starting to throb to the hum of the dryer. Clean sheets on bed though, so almost a tick there. Kids' sheets still on clothesline and it's dark now, so way too scary to go out to the wild, wild backyard and fetch them in. I might get licked by the fearsome mini-beast that is next door's doggie.

4 loads of ironing. I think we can all agree this is SO not going to happen.

Cook nutritious and loving meals for the week ahead.
Right. THIS is where I start to get success. I can Masterchef all the doo-dah-day as long as I can avoid exercises with Ajax and stuff. We have Cauliflower Soup (kids will be THRILLED), we have slow-cooked Pork & Veal Bolognese, we have CUPCAKES with cream cheese frosting and Rainbow Crackling Candy Popping Toppings. Oh yes we do.

Mine don't actually look this cheerful, but little kids will eat anything with frosting, know, success!!

Gift wrap for long-awaited 8th birthday. CHECK!!!
Along with a highly dubious foray into military life, I gained work-experience on the gift wrap bar at David Jones.


Okay, mine also don't look quite so cheerful, know, little kids will unwrap anything, so success!!

Study for career-enhancing academic advancement....
SUCCESS!! ....sort of..... This may involve a glass of red and watching my all-time favourite cop-drama...
Rizzoli & Isles.

So, all in all a cracker of a day. The checklist thrives on a crazy train....


  1. You can finishing reading this after your Exam.
    No Cheating
    I know what you are doing!
    Go and Study
    Make cupcakes after the Exam
    Go and Study

    How was the Exam? See if you study without distraction you do well.

    I'm not a mother, though inherited step children which isn't quite the same. So let me say I don't know how you do it. I was brought up by an anally organised Mother who was also a teacher and had a Father who must be obeyed. My busy mother held another Degree DIA - Director of Internal Affairs (of the household kind). She signed every school permission note with this title next to her name.
    We had a Household Chores Chart (I would now rename it Household Activities) which had a point system attached. Each chore was assigned points according to the degree of time and difficulty. This was how we earned pocket money that could be traded for treats. As my sister madly dusted, folded laundry, took out the garbage, watered the garden, polished and vacuumed etc etc to earn points I went straight to the biggest points earner on the Board - Washing the Car. It earned me 10 cents (or a choo choo bar). This continued for many years and was a huge success. Chores and points were reviewed according to the financial climate and the quality of workmanship. I earned enough points to even get my hair permed. This was when I learnt the importance of lists and the power of organization. One day I will share with you some of my proudest work that leaves many of my house visitors in disbelief. Thankyou mum your work is done. One day your children will thank you for investing in a list.
    Remind me to tell you about Icehouse and my 18th Birthday.
    Now go study some more.

  2. I am holding you to the Icehouse conversation Flow!!
    And I reckon your mum rocks. xx


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