I quaff, therefore I am.

I think, therefore I am.

I quaff, therefore, I am...very thirsty.

Rene Descartes started this philosophical justification of being way, way back in something like 1637.

Since then, much wine has been consumed.

I did not start my wine appreciation in 1637.
However, at an appropriate age and time, Dad let me sip his can of KB.
It was truly awful.

However, I was not damaged.
I came back as a young adult (and naturally am still there, as a young adult, plus wisdom & some other stuff) and developed a PALATE.

Earlier this week I was a little chuffed to find a 2008 Cab Sav at a rather fabulous price. What a winner! Could the week get any better (I'm still pondering that....)

I then made the mistake of bragging about my fabulous find to fancy-schmancy wine buff friend, only to be advised to "enjoy the quaffer".


So many thoughts, opinions and emotions are surmised in the word "quaffer"...

Am I a quaffer?
Does that mean I'm cheap? (NO NO NO).
Does that mean my palate is compromised?
Does that mean I don't know wine? (But I know what's delicious, really I do).

It didn't actually stop me from enjoying my excellent purchase, a couple of glasses of appreciation; appreciating the fact that we are richly spoiled with quality wine in Australia; RICHLY spoiled. Even the boxed varietals are quite drinkable and have their merit (some younger beloved uni students told me that.)

My own personal wine guide goes like this:
I try to select a wine that is local-ish....because it's good & right to support local talent.
I tend to go red, but Summer days call for white wine in the sun.
I used to despise charddy darl, but if you sip, breathe in, and think butterscotch...you got yourself a magic mouthful.
Sav Blancs bring freshly mown grass to the sensory fore.
Merlot is sinking into a cushion at the end of a wired day....

So many sips, so many sensations...so many occasions!

And I am never ever disappointed; Australian wine.

Two tracks this time...my love of wine is unconditional; you can't play favourites when they're all perfect.


There are many version of UB40's Red Wine. But this one has the best music; the best tones; and is the most soulful, just like I am after a few red wines too. And it was performed before I was even 10 years old (it's almost vintage!!)


  1. So let me check my understanding. By boxed you mean a carton of wine. A mixed dozen is best to cover the gamut of daily emotions. Local means your nearest Bottle O.
    Many years ago I spent the weekend with an Australian Wine doyen and he shared a bottle of his finest. This great man is no longer with us but his wise words still resonate. "The best wine is the one you like at the time" Murray David Tyrell

  2. Sigh! You're right, boxed means CARTON....the mixed dozen is out there for all those who may listen...Truly, the best wine is one you like at the time. I usually like the quaffers, Because those are they I quaff at the time.


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