Lego lurve and curves

Gosh I love that stuff!! Little red and yellow cubes of absolute joy and wonder, full of potential, poised to evolve into a skyscraper, a mushroom or a little cottage with white windows and a small patch of cubic green to signify "my garden".

Lego holds all our hopes and dreams; we build it up and tear it down, chuck it around, blindly step on it during the night run to the loo, (insert ferocious!!! expletive and curse the child who DID NOT PUT THINGS AWAY), scoop it up in an old 4L ice-cream bucket, tip it out and start over.

Lego could be the answer to life's BIG questions; it could be the philosophical life-plan. There are a zillion tiny pieces of joy. Equally, a zillion tiny pieces of hard-edged parts that we must fit in somewhere, somehow. You, the builder, can choose which piece is joyful and which is pain....

Maybe your life resembles a few choice pieces of REALLY GOOD Lego.
REALLY GOOD Lego is the stuff that comes with Superheroes and mermaids.
Because, quite frankly, we all want to be one or the other. I want to be this one, with glamour and blonde curvature....

So there may be a few creations in your ice-cream bucket, like a cool car with lots of red and black bits, a swimming pool with said mermaid smiling benignly on the royal blue flat-rectangle bit, surrounded by more iconic cubic green patch.

You might have the little cottage with the "set-piece easy-to-install" window frames plus box flower gardens of pink and purple dot bits that make you squint your botox out to get on the matching green Lego-bit stem. The Lego cottage. Truly, the dream.

See, life is much like a box of Lego. So many pieces, so many choices.
And just as many opportunities to create, destroy and rebuild.

All you need is a rainy day.


  1. There's only one thing better than Lego and it's the Lego Factory.
    This should appeal to the Virgo in you. I can't understand how they haven't branched out into lifesize houses.

  2. If I had a true life Lego house, I could fix EVERYTHING broken.


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