The Secret Drawer

The single girl's guide to the weekend might just involve a bubbly or two...
Loungewear should include trackie-dacks...or sweats, leggings, jammies; anything that is horribly unflattering, totally comfortable and potentially devastating the prospect of entertaining a man ever again. Check!
A big ol' fluffy blanket on said lounge or your favourite pale blue, chenille dressing gown.
I don't have one of those, but I do have cherry-red uggies and they are just as awesome.

...And then you quietly open...


Mysteriooooooous, no?

What's in the Secret Drawer?

My secret drawer has Patrick Swayze!
My secret drawer has Ralph Macchio.
My secret drawer has Tom Cruise.
And there's Kevin Bacon, George Clooney, Robert Sean Leonard and yes, COLIN FIRTH..
Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig (double deal!!)
And a little Toni Collette and Renee Zellweger.

It's the dirty secret we all keep - favoured movies that rock your world once and live with you forever. And you can get them out when no one is watching; no judgement to be feared.

Here goes...

The Karate Kid where kindness and diligence trump the macho guy and his brute strength.

Dirty Dancing - we used to watch it as kids, recorded off Prime TV, whenever mum and dad went out for dinner. We didn't see it often (although we got to watch the evening news a LOT), but it just made me want to carry a watermelon!

The Descendants - a whole movie of George Clooney talking softly about his emotions.
Just take a moment and really see...isn't he intense? Oooooh.

Dead Poets' Society - oh Captain my Captain.
(I definitely don't say that in my real life, but then again, I never get to sit next to Robert Sean Leonard and read Shakespeare...)
"That the powerful play goes on.
And you may contribute a verse."

A Few Good Men - ok Kevin Bacon didn't get much chat-time here, but what he did get...GOLD!

Bridget Jones Diary - it  gives me hope, okay? Colin Firth gives me hope.


Muriel's Wedding...terrible. 

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo...
Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara. 
Psych thriller. Speechless.

And Top Gun...I don't really know what that's all about. But there's aircraft and stuff. I like that.


Many tunes could end this post, 
so I'll just share a snippet of my favourite from the Secret Drawer....a little more Patrick Swayze.



  1. I'm guessing Tom Cruise takes residence in bottom drawer and has it all to himself.
    Colin Firth is like chocolate.

  2. I don't mind letting Tom Cruise out once in a while...but I'd rather Patrick Swayze, if not Kevin Bacon.


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