Kudos to dignity

I never really intended for this blog to be a commentary without humour.
But I am compelled to RANT. I have mulled this over for a week now, and I've convinced myself to spew forth a RANT.

Did I say RANT?
Yes. And that is what's coming....

A little background:
I was shopping at the local, getting regular old stuff like weetbix, coffee, vegemite and quaffers. It was a childfree shop (ahhhh! so FAST....so EASY), and even though I appeared to any observer as a tragic singleton buying weetbix, coffee, vegemite and quaffers, I didn't care. I was congratulating self on the excellent run I'd had in the car park that is Sydney traffic, so much so that I could fetch & carry necessities without the unhelpful input of "CAN WE GET COCO-POPS MUM PLEASE PLEASE MUM PLEASE?"
"You are the worst mother EVAH."

I wandered out to the car park, swinging my grey plastic grocery bags with abandon, smugly pitying everyone else who had to shop with their tots. I had completed the grocery list without distraction, and without the additional sugar-infused crap claimed in a bid to soothe the whingeing masses (of two - but two make a LOT of noise). Go me. Yeah!!

A young guy, employed at the local, was walking out with a work colleague. He was deeply engaged in a conversation with his work buddy and it was obviously very nice for both of them - respectful, cheerful and friendly. The young guy has a disability; I'm not sure what, but it manifests itself in his actions and commentary, as so many do. (I am something of an expert in this, so stay with me here...)

But he is always at work, always available to his work colleagues and always busy on the job. If you're in the local at the same time he's at work, well, you know. He's loud. And I really like shopping during these times because I see a young guy EFFORTLESSLY conquering a few inconsequential issues to maintain the dignity of being employed.

He is clearly popular amongst his colleagues; because he is reliable and works hard. He is also really nice. Customers like him because he is reliable, works hards and very kind.

So, walking out to the car park, a young-ish dad and his early-teen daughter were pushing their trolley out ahead of me. They noted the young guy chatting with his workmate and started sniggering.

I'm sorry.
An adult man started sniggering!
In front of his young, impressionable daughter.

And then he proceeded to parody the young guy, to elicit more giggles from his daughter.

To that father I say:
Pity pity pity on you, despicable creature. For the sake of a laugh you undermine the efforts of a young worker's commitment to contribute to society, to be a valued employee and a good friend.

You betray the trust of your daughter to teach her what is good and right.

You reveal your insecurity. You reveal your cowardice. You reveal your ignorance.

Mothers like me will wear you down, believe this now. 
Because giving my child dignity and self-worth, despite all challenges to the contrary, has so much more longevity and impact than giving your child a laugh at the expense of another's differences.

Rant over. Thank you to ALL of you, who believe in the dignity of employment and friendship; no matter how quirky. You're on the right track baby...I know it...



  1. I have nothing to write, just something to share. I think of this often.


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