Driving goals

Driving between my abode and the Farm (which is not my place but a cracking spot for the bed and breakfast deal provided by mum and dad, cows and chooks), there are two and a half odd hours of woeful boredom which must be conquered in order to achieve nirvana (red wine in front of farmhouse fireplace).

I usually undertake this epic journey with the little sprogs battling it out for Minecraft supremacy in the back seat. This can occasionally be delightful, when their competition overtakes the horror of mum's music choice. That means I get to listen to something I can sing along too (most recently Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror"). Here's the clip...now you can sing it too!

Generally the trip is suffered with excessive whingeing and "I'm hungry, are we at Maccas yet???"

So, I while away the time watching (very safely of course) other drivers driving.

We're all driving towards an outcome, driving towards a goal. Oh yes..., we're MOVING FORWARD.
Insert your own corporate caption for success right here, because your car is in the fast lane, on a career projectory and you can't stop progress....

Unless, you give in to the increasing volume on the "Wah! Wah! We want Maccas" channel.

Road etiquette is unknown; we're all in it for ourselves, because we're driving towards a goal.
We're driving towards a calm, relaxing weekend and holy moly if we don't get there in the most efficient time possible we will be STRESSED OUT.

I think we're all going slightly bat-goop crazy with the demands of modern life, driving goals and meetings expectations.

Is it time to take a look in the mirror? Slow down? Look again and notice the sprogs whingeing in the back; utterly trusting us to deliver them safely where they want to be (anywhere in the world, as long as it's with you)....

No message could've been any clearer....


  1. All I remember is Blah Blah FARM Blah Blah RED WINE, FIREPLACE Blah Blah CALM, RELAXING Blah YOU. All sounds good to be. Yep a very clear message. Just one more thing, How do you do the MJ crutch grab while driving?


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